Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2 months and counting..

Come on mom not ANOTHER picture....

Here are some pictures of the chunky baby during her 2nd month in life!!! She's finally doing more than just sleeping, eating and pooping now!!! YEAH!!! She has the cutest little personality. She laughs out loud and people still tell me its just gas but they are full of crap!!!

these are real laughs!! She is a really good and happy baby!!! Sometimes though she gets cranky and than this girl can holler, she is got quite the set of pipes on her. She started sleeping through the night really early on ...THANK GOODNESS!!!! but I do have to say I miss the getting up with her. Our ritual was we would get up and sit on the couch and she would eat. In the beginning it was at least an hour each time we got up, so while she was busy eating and burping, I would catch up on all my favorite shows, and many times we would fall asleep together.....so sweet...I could never get her to sleep laying flat, as soon as I tried putting her in her bed she would wake up, so I found that if I gently layed her in her car seat w/ a blanket under her she would keep sleeping so this is what we did and I would sleep on the couch right next to her. I would wake up to her smiling and cooing,
it was very sweet and i do miss those days!!! We are now back in our bed downstairs and Bella is a big girl and sleeps either in her crib upstairs or sometimes in her bassinet in our room.

Here is Mr Bee, he has been her buddy and BFF from the first day we brought her home. She luvs laying on her changing table and staring up at him. chit chatting with him, and telling him stories. She babbles and babbles away at him and its the funniest thing...

Sugar and Spice......Our Bouncing Baby Girl!!!

We had newborn pictures taken of her at 3 1/2 weeks!! Im so glad we did, these are sooo precious!!! We did a maternity & newborn combo package. Here are some of our favorites from each session!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Poor baby no name....aka baby Taloula!!!!

8 days old and still no name...lol poor little Bella came home from the hospital with no name!! We couldn't, ok ok I guess I couldn't decide what it should be so the nurse their named her
baby Taloula
!!! ahah lol cracks me up

The first week home Bella had tons of visitors.....everybody wanted to come over and see the cute little baby girl. She was very good, mostly just slept and ate..oh ya, and POOPED ALOT!!!!!..I didn't know that these tiny little creatures, who are only drinking liquid could have sooooo much disgusting stuff come out!!

here are some of the visitors now....
Grandma & Baby

Uncle Denny

Aunt Kelly and Kayla

Aunti Pammy and Caitlin

We took lots of pix the first few weeks, she was sooooo cute and funny. She is quite the facial expression maker. I've never seen a kid make so many different facial expressions all at once!!! She would always do these funny things with her arms, lift them up while she was sleeping, and her hands she always has JAZZ fingers!! LOL she always would have her hands up and open somehow. She also luvs to play with her hair. Here are some random baby shots. She is between 2-4 weeks old in these.. I luv the poses in these first 3....cracks me up..

Pppsssst i have a secret to tell you...

a very tired daddy and baby

so tiny and sweet

nap time

bath time, she didn't like that

Hi aunti Noelzy im wearing your outfit

We're in hospital hell!!!

Some pix of me in happier times BEFORE THE HELL STARTED!!!!
Me and my momma!!! i was having contrantions here but they didn't really hurt yet!!

Aaaah me and the Daddy!!!!

The week long stay at the hospital was HORRID!!! They say you forget the pain of having a baby, well im here to say "OH NO YOU DO NOT"!!! ahahaha , lets see i remember the intolerable pain of the contractions, where you just want to crawl out of your body cuz it hurts so bad, the shaking from the epidural, the yacking my guts out inbetween trying to push a baby out with about 12 people in the room, and the freezing temperatures of the operating room !!!

After being up from 4:30am on monday morning and being in labor all day and night i was soooooooo F-ing tired i just wanted to go to sleep and i remember begging the guy in the c-section room to just put me out of my misery!! AHAHA!!

Than after all of that hard ass work they don't even let you hold the baby, they just lifted her up so i could see her and than they took her and vince away and I was left all alone to drift off to sleep.....I woke back up in a different room and vince was there telling me how cute our baby was.......aaaah he was so cute and happy!!! Vince and the nurse brought the baby in and he was right she was sooo damn cute, tons of hair , smooth olive skin, a very nice complextion for a baby and the darkest hair and eyes. Her little nose was sooo cute!! It wasn't a big ol honker like i thought it was going to be. She was much cuter than those 3-D ultrasound pictures that is for sure, LOL ( we were scared she had a huge nose cuz it looked Gi-normous in the 3D ultrasound pictures that i had, like "Grandmother willow on Pocahantis" ) So that was good!!! She was just content to look around, she wans't crying or wailing just looking and i remember thinking that she was such a good baby, looked and seemed soooo wise and somehow knew that i was a mess and had no idea what i was thinking, feeling or doing becomming a mom.

Back at our room we tried breasfeeding and she did great, latched right on and we both fell asleep. Well my milk didn't come in and they said "oh that is normal, the colastrum is the first thing to come out and that is all she needs" so i didn't worry and than the next day it didn't come in either or the next or next, it took 7 days to come in. So meanwhile i kept saying, " are you sure she is getting enough from me , i don't think she is and they (a.k.a the boob natzi's) or lactation consultants as the hospital calls them, well they kept saying "oh she is fine, she is getting all she needs" so over the week she kept losing weight and losing weight. She lost over 10% of her birth wieght and FINALLY they put her on formula to supplement since my milk still wasn't in. The poor baby, she started out as a content baby and through the week became a wailing baby and me and vince thought "oh crap we just had satan's child" well she wasn't the horrible child we thought we had she was just hungry, the poor little thing!!!! I felt soooo bad that she had been starving and no one did anything, so they kept us for extra days becasue of the weight loss and than she got jaundice really bad and we had to move to the pdiatrics side of the hospital because the poor little baby had to be put under the Billy lights.......

Poor baby billy!!!

it was sooo sad to see her like that =( On sat, (we were admitted to the hospital on Monday morning at 6am and now it was sat.) the dr said they wanted to keep her another day and that was it, all i could handle!!! I had a HUGE MELTDOWN!!!! i started bawling, i told them i could not stay another night in the hospital, so they said they would test her blood again that afternoon and if it had gone down and her wieght up than they would release her. So it was a miserable day, i had stopped taking my pain meds cuz they made me sleepy, the baby cryed and we couldn't take her out from under the lights, only long enough to eat so after a morning and afternoon of crying and stressing about weather we could go home or not they tested her and her count had gone down from 17 to 12 and her weight had gone up. she was 7 -7 when she was born and it had gone down to 6 lbs 3 oz's and it was now up to 6 lbs 13 oz's so they let us go home and we were SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!

Finally after 6 days in that place...uuugh... at about 8 or 9 at night Isabella was finally home!!!

Welcome home Izabee!!!!!

She was so tiny, the first night we sat on the couch and relaxed, had some real food and wondered were should we put her.....the crib, the bassinet was downstairs in our room and we wanted to lay on the couch and enjoy some much needed R & R!! So we decided to put her in the only thing we could think of that would fit right down in between the couch and coffee table where she could be by us........HAHAHAH

Yep the laundry basket!!!! oh soooo cute!! (ahahah she doesn't even fit into it anymore now)

Bellaroo's first diaper change at home was made by her very proud papa!!! oh look how sweet and tiny she is, OMG its so weird to remember back that she was sooo small, look at his hand compared to her little body.

Vince is very sweet and a great husband, look what he got me for my push present!!! It was there to greet me when i got home!!! and the house was clean!!!! Ive been wanting this camera for sooooo long ~ thanks Vincent!!!!!! ok actually i dont have any pictures of my camera i just realized but its a Cannon EOS Rebel XSI 12.5 mega pixels or something crazy like that, it takes awesome pix!!!, I LUV this camera

The first night home was great, it was sooo nice to be in the comfort of our own house and not have all those wake ups in the middle of the night from the nurses who have to check all your vitals and stuff. Bella woke up about 4 times through the night in the beginning for feedings. Now she sleeps through the night thank god!!