Friday, December 26, 2008

Poor baby no name....aka baby Taloula!!!!

8 days old and still no poor little Bella came home from the hospital with no name!! We couldn't, ok ok I guess I couldn't decide what it should be so the nurse their named her
baby Taloula
!!! ahah lol cracks me up

The first week home Bella had tons of visitors.....everybody wanted to come over and see the cute little baby girl. She was very good, mostly just slept and ate..oh ya, and POOPED ALOT!!!!!..I didn't know that these tiny little creatures, who are only drinking liquid could have sooooo much disgusting stuff come out!!

here are some of the visitors now....
Grandma & Baby

Uncle Denny

Aunt Kelly and Kayla

Aunti Pammy and Caitlin

We took lots of pix the first few weeks, she was sooooo cute and funny. She is quite the facial expression maker. I've never seen a kid make so many different facial expressions all at once!!! She would always do these funny things with her arms, lift them up while she was sleeping, and her hands she always has JAZZ fingers!! LOL she always would have her hands up and open somehow. She also luvs to play with her hair. Here are some random baby shots. She is between 2-4 weeks old in these.. I luv the poses in these first 3....cracks me up..

Pppsssst i have a secret to tell you...

a very tired daddy and baby

so tiny and sweet

nap time

bath time, she didn't like that

Hi aunti Noelzy im wearing your outfit

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