Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A trip to the park.... ..Weeeeeeeeeeeeee

The weekend of Christmas, Vinces family was still in town so we decided to take Mckenna, his 2nd cousin and bell to the park. We thought she would like to take her new car / stroller out for a test drive!!
...Mmmm good, Kenna introduced the new love of suckers!!!! ahaha

it was a pretty day but DAMN cold out!!! lol

...so cute, Mckenna on Mr mouse!!
Bella's favorite way to ride!!

OK this would of been the cutest picture EVER BUT its fuzzy!!! i was soo mad!! can someone tell me please why this turned out fuzzy? i think i might of had it on macro, im not sure, i was try differnt settings and im sooo bummed cuz look how freaking cute it is!!! uugh...so one on my new years resolutions this year will be to take photography and learn how to use this magnificent peice of equipment i have....im so not worthy of this camera!!!! oh sooo stinking cute.....oh maaaaaaan.....swiper no swiping...lol sorry inside joke or i guess if u know dora, haha
...aaah she luvs her daddy!!!

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