Friday, August 13, 2010

A day of hiking!! We miss you Noelzy and Ava!! =(

After our trip to Seattle we spent the day hiking in beautiful Couer d'Alene!!! We had a fun day hiking through the woods and the girls were super troopers!!! they didn't complain at all....

And there off!!!
Oh a quick FAMILY picture OPP...yeah!!!!
...Oh YEAH again another one!!! lol i get excited about these because we don't really have many of them, hehe
...Oh what BEAUTIFUL girls you two are Noelzy!!!..(oops these are from seattle, owell,super cute pic anyway!! )
..super cute Ava

...haha tricky Noel....the girl behind the pictures....
...this is bell yelling wataah (water) me do, me pushhhh

....aaaah YUM!!!

Thank you so much Noel for comming to visit us and bringing your beautiful daughter with you!! We miss you tons!! Bell loved having a big sister around and Ava was super fun, such a ham and a poser yes!!!! We miss and Love you!!!! XOXOXOXO

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