Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring has finally sprung!!!

Spring has taken FOREVER this year to finally arrive!!! Its been months and months of rain and dreary days!!! Finally we have some sunshine and my flowers are finally coming to life!!!!

..Bella is becoming quite the little photographer, here are some pix she took of me at the river while we were having a mommy and Bella day and feeding some ducks!!! the next 2 are the ones she took she did really good, she thinks looking through the hole of the bagel was pretty funny stuff!!!
..say cheese momma!!
..aaah our feathery friend!!
...silly girl!!! here is the bagel again, look momma!!! i see u!!! crazy girl!

Happy Mommies Day everyone!!! We had a very nice Mother's day this year. We took my momma and Bella vog to the park and played!!!! LOL it was alot of fun and bella did meet a little friend!!!
Here is a very good and funny action shot that vince got of me!! lol
..aah me and my momma, 1 were she is actually looking at the camera and not talking mid picture. this is very rare and im not sure who is worse at posing for a picture... my mother or Bella!! haha the playground!
...b and her papa playing soccer!!
..HAHAH a self portrait, can we get us all in the frame....ummmm haha not really...bend momma bend!!

..Bella and her daddy after she makes a goal!!!
..she shoots..she SCORES!!!

Our little garden helper!!! since the weather is finally nice, well its kinda hit or miss....2 sunny days, and than 5 rainy days but who is complaining right!! lol We've gotten a jump start on the vegetable garden this year!! Weading, rototilling & planting. Bella loves to help us up in the garden!

..lots to do up here!!! its a mess!!
...we rented a big ol rototiller and vince plowed!!! its so much better now!
..I will post some pix on my next post of the after!!!
...such a cute little helper she is!!!

YEAH momma its time for the seeds now, the fun part!! This was bells favorite part, planting the seeds, and watering them!!! we planted, corn, sunflowers, brocli, carrots, basil, rosemary, cucumbers, tomato's, onions, strawberry's, zuccinni, potato's and pumpkins!!!!

OUr friends gave us these super cool barbie car!! We took Bella out on her maiden voyage and she was not so excited aobut it, lol it totally scared the bageebeez out of her!!! LOL

FUNNY FACES!!! Bella gets this from YO GABBA GABBA!! she loves to do funny faces and "watch my cool trick"!!! lol

Aaaa Miss Bella fell asleep reading to herself!! Her new favorite book from the library...."PUt me in the ZOO"!!!!! sooo sweet she is when she is sleeping =)

I was trying to get a picture of B with the rainbow, the girl would not just look at me and smile and say cheese!!! i have like 30 shots of this......

The Gram can draw a horsey!!! here is some chalk art!!!

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