Monday, December 19, 2011

Pictures with Santa!!!

...My dear friend Sara is so sweet and bought me a gift cert. to pictures with santa at Santa's Den, it was SOOO lines, no beign herding like cattle and 2 happy KIDS!!! THANK U SARA!!!! Your are the BEST!!!..i love this one below of all 3 of them, the middle one is Piper, Sara's new addition!!! and PJ and Bella were cracking up!!!
..after pictures we took the kids to Micky D's and they got to eat and play!!! a fun time for all!!

We went to a Christmas party on Saturday at a friends house. It was so much fun and they had Santa come and deliver each kid a present!! Soooo cute to watch how excited all the little kids were when he showed up!!!

PJ and Bella wrestling!!
..Bella was so excited to get her present from Santa!!
..Bella, PJ and Jack!! all so excited!!

Here was my date!!! My Bestie Pammy!

Bella found my wedding tiara and wanted to wear it!! than she married her king, below, lol she dressed her king up too!!!
...her and her king, lol pretty funny, the pink little bunny, she put a little wedding veil on it!! such a cute pic i thought!!

Welcome Baby Eli!!! Visiting Amy and Sea-bass at the hospital with the cute new addition!!

The proud momma!!!
Vincent with the baby and Bella., B and Eli

where's Bella?
..making cookies for daddy when he left to go to North Dakota to work =( BOOO
..Aaah Bella's 1st bed, now she doesn't even fit in it!!

Bath time!! Bella was having a parade with all her animals!!
..She loves to help us do everything , ecspecially help us cook!!! snowed a little this year, the beginning of Dec, we had a snowball fight and made snowangels!

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