Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bowling with Daddy!!!

How Bella has missed her daddy!!! Vince came home and we took bella to go bowling!!!
she loved the ramp to roll her ball down!!!
I think thats a little heavy for u Bella Vog! Pappa!!!
a few rides to top the day off!! She had a fantastically fun day on a day out with daddy!!! Welcome home Daddy!!

We met up with Sara and PJ for some playtime at Chuck E Cheese's!!!
..i think they look sooo cute playing skeat ball from behind!! 2 little poeple and I LOVE what PJ has done with his pants!!! who doesn't want shorts in the winter, lol
...LOL so funny, what you looking for Pete? lol
..a little air hockey for the dad and his daughter!
...aaaaah sittin cute wit Uncle John!!

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