Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Halloween~Trick or Treat.....Bzzzz Bbzzz

...AAAA What a cute little Miss BEE!!!!

Happy Halloween everyone!!!! I wasn't sure how Bella would like Halloween this year and if we would take her trick or treating!! OMG she LUVED IT!! the girl was on crack!! She was soooo much fun and so funny to watch!! The girl absolutely LOVED running from house to house, and i do mean running. We could not carry or hold her, she wans't having any of it!!! I wish we would of brought the camcorder cuz it was priceless, but all i got was a few good shots....

AAaaa the cute little Vog family!!! pre trick or treating!!

So before the festivities began, i had to get the girl dressed. and you know how much of a challenge that is!! lol So anyways, my bright idea was to make her hair, (which I always do in pigtails), her antenna's!! Great idea right? You know than she wouldn't be pulling them off all night long!!! So i got pipecleaners and wrapped them.......aaah pippy long stockings...or maybe cindy louwhooo ahah..than i decided to paint and glitter some styrofoam balls for the ends.........hahaha didn't work out so well!!! It totally made them droop!!!!.....finally she was ready to roll!!!...aah isn't she the CUTEST little BEE you ever saw!!! LUV the Antenna's!!

Nicole, Mikey and Alex came over so we all could trick or treat together and we took the girls to the Kroc center!! Alex was the cutest little Tink!!

After the Kroc ctr we trickor treated, and here is where the pix do not do her justice!!!! She was trucking I tell ya!! just running down the driveways, up the walkways, down the streets, in full force and not only running but jabbering up a storm the whole time. Like she was telling us a story and it was HILARIOUS!! I will try and post some more of it later, it was just sooo funny....goofy she is running down the sidewalk at the first house..just running..
..everytime she saw halloween decorations or pumpkins she would say....Rrrrraaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr
..AHAH look at the determiniation, just booking down the street!!!
....a little break on someones porch!!
...after all the running and yammering up a storm she did, we thought PERFECt she will sleep like a baby and conk out on the way home...NOT...she was on crack still, all night long.....
....crazy kid, but the cutest ..pippy long stocking, cindy lou who ever!!!! Happy Halloween!!!

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