Monday, November 9, 2009

Pumpkins..pumpkins..pumpkins....and a little guts!!!

We had our 2nd annual Pumpkin carving night with Vinces Family!!

...they looked really cool when they were all done and we had alot of fun!!!....the crew w/ thier finished products!! and the cutest pumpkin of all in the middle!!! aaa miss B
...before they looked AWESOME ~ SPOOKY & SCARY....they looked like this......yep your average pumpkins..
...Uncle John showing off the beauty he stole off my front porch!! doing a little Predesign work...

Getting Bell ready for her date with a pumpkin!! No shirt for digging her hands in to the slop..i thought she would luv it.....
BUT i was wrong!!! she hated it!!!......she was sooooo NO fun!! lol
..everyone working diligently on their masterpeices!!

..vince and his momma...looks like he is copying her work, hahah, eyes on your own paper vog!! break!!

...Mmmmmmm lotsa guts!!!

Break time!!! Sebastian and Bell played alot and she luvs being thrown into the air!!!...and what cute Halloween jammies!!!
...Amy and B..

AND the final Masterpieces!!!! JACK-O-LANTERNS GALORE!!!....Carole's cutesy
...a trio of scariness...the one eyed "SYCLOPS" of Daltons...the big Jack eating the lil baby pumpkin of Sebastian & Amy's and Michelle's

OOps i missed a close up of Spongebob, which we did for B and also John's Jack-o-lantern with the pipe....will need to upload more pix i guess!!! stay tuned!!!

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