Wednesday, January 21, 2009

5 Months...... OH MY!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!! Im finally caught up on this blog, it took me forever but im all caught up now going back from the beginning!!! YEAH!!! I hope you all enjoyed the journey and now going forward I will just make a few post a month =)

Bella~B is 5 months old now and the last I weighed her she was 16.9 lbs, and 26 1/2 inches long. This was probably about 2 weeks ago. Ill have to weigh her again tonight cuz she is quite the little michelin baby!!! Rolly Poly and fat rolls all up and down her arms and legs, SOOOOO stinking cute though!!!!

She's mastered cereal and now we've moved on to veggies, this here is sweet potatoes!! As you can see she enjoys eating, and flaps her arms around so much that she knocked the sweet potatos out of our hands and onto the tray, the floor and yep her foot!!! its very messy , i think i need to invest is some very BIG bibs!!!!

She sits up really good on her own, and even can go from a reclined position to a sitting postion on her own, what strong little tummy muscles the girl has!!!

Her eyes are looking more and more green than blue. SHe is sitting up in her crib with just a bunch of blankets tucked around her, she does really good this way and im trying to round out that head!! hahahah

Gramma and Miss B ~

Rise and Shine smiley buttgirl!!!

I thought she looked so cute and more like a baby in this little outfit...

Dinner at red Lobster, her first time sitting in a highchair!! she looks like such a big little girl instead of a baby.....where does the time go

bath time girl!!!!

Story Time! ~ Caitlin reading to Bella in her room..don't they look so cute!!!

Santa Baby Photo Shoot!!

Here are some really cute pix I got of her in my little Christmas photoshoot that we did!!!

Have you been NAUGHTY......(look at that face)..
OR Nice..

Aaaaah the happy little family!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Izabee's First christmas!!

Merry Christmas HO HO HO!!!!!

Good morning B!!! Rise and Shine sleepy head, SANTA CAME!!!

a little playtime before opening presents...

Christmas was sooo much fun having a baby!!!! Bell did so good opening her presents. She was amazed and obsessed with the shiny paper. I was so suprised at how she sat for so long on the couch trying to open just one present. she was really going to town on it and it was sooo cute and funny to watch are some pix......

the one present she opened and helping me do mine really wore her out, one minute she was awake and than wham the next she fell asleep sitting up on the floor w/ me, very funny.......

Here are some of the Dad opening gifts and Gramma too!!!

Here's Pammy, she had Xmas with us too and was the great picture taker!!!!

After presents and a huge breakfast we took Family pictures with our cute little Santa Baby!!!

The CUTEST Santa Baby EVER!!!!