Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Nursery fit for a PRINCESS!!!!

So I always invisioned a baby nursery with lots of sheer frilly fabric and a huge mural of a tree (not sure why a tree) on the wall so with this in mind I set out on my quest to build the PERFECT nursery for a BABY GIRL!!!! Well little did I know or think about how long this would actually take....bad bad tina....!!! Isabella is 5 month's old and its still not 100% done, LOL
From the doorway looking in at what it looks like now..

I started working on this nursery back in March. The room was a wipe out, we used it for a spare room and it needed serious work. I was waiting to start painting because I wanted to paint a sky mural on the ceiling but it had that old popcorn stuff on it and Vince had been working on getting the trailer ready to rent........ So after my good friend Pascale and her husband Joe came over and helped me (well ok they pretty much did this part themselves) take the old popcorn off the ceilings than Vince could mudd it and retexture it......UUUGH so now its April and im finally ready to paint!!!! I painted the ceiling a few different colors of blue and added clouds, it took me weeks and weeks to find the right colors of pink and green, they were either too dark or too bright or too light...finally i got the perfect combo!!!

I started with the tree, i searched forever to find the perfect tree and finally had to settle on a few differnt ones, i traced the ouline of the trunk w/ a projecter to get the size i wanted and than added in all the branches and the roots of the trunk freehand. Alot of the room was painted free hand and alot was done off of blowing up pictures and tracing the image on to the wall. VInces mom helped me paint some of the animals she rocks at the details, Pammy even helped too!!!! Here are some pix....

Here is the tree after i traced it on and started to paint it, it looks a little scarry before I got the leaves on the poor thing.

Here its starting to come to life.....aint the squirrel that Jackie painted sooo detailed and cute, she rocks!!!!

this is the chair that i reupholstered, and the damn cute curtains that jackie made
swinging bee

close up of lady bug in the tree
right corner of room
crib with skirt on it
cute little rabbit checking out the frog
left side of room
up close of left tree trunk
up close of right side with pond and turtle

right side of tree

Whole lower tree

finished dresser

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