Sunday, January 4, 2009

Crisp and Colorful....Fall in the Northwest

One of the things i looked forward to the most when I had a baby was going to Greenbluff and taking pictures in the pumpkin patch!!!! Each year we all go up to Greenbluff and play for the day, they have farms and farms of pumpkins, corn mazes, hot apple-cider and tons of activities!!! Poor Vince couldn't go because he was busy working on that stupid trailer =0 (long story) So I went with friends. I put Bell out in the patch and started snapping shots, they turned out very cute, she slept through some it but I have no idea how as she kept falling over, LOL

Here is me and Miss B

Sara and I and our sleeping little piglets, dressed in their fall best of course.....

Than I went to a different farm with Pammie, Caitlin , Dominique and her kids, Nicholas, Maddie, Chloe, and Emma. It was really cute because it was my first time using my new camera and we set up a little scene and everyone was stopping by to look at all the cute little kiddies!!! It was a great fun day!!!!

The Cutest Pumpkin of all!!!!Here is Bella in her costume...

Bell was a pumpkin for Halloween!!! We went and visited everyone and handed out these cute cupcakes that we made..

we went and visited Sara and Pj, he was a cute little Bee and we took some pictures of them outside in Sara's front yard under this huge maple tree.....aaaah sooooo cute!!!!

ok ok, so this is funny I know and everyone is laughing at me BUT it is all Pammy's fault!!!

So back around Halloween, Pammy was suppose to come over and see Bell in her costume and help me take pix of her with all my fall decorations out front....(I have bails of straw, scarecrows, pumpkins, etc. )

so anyway I didn't take the pictures because I was waiting for my dear friend Pammy. Well Pammy never came and than it was snowing!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I brought in some of the fall decorations and Pammy finally came over on Christmas eve....yes so on Xmas eve we took Fall pix of our cute little Bella in her Pumpkin costume in a cute Fall display on my dining room table!!!!!!!!!!!! and aren't they sooo cute!!!

other random shots from HALLOWEEN!!

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