Tuesday, January 6, 2009

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!! 4 months and ALOT of First's

December came and went and was crazy busy at the Vatsvog house!!!! Miss "B" had alot of firsts this month.....besides her first foods, she had her 1st snowfall, her 1st xmas and yep her first PIGTAILS!!!!! aaah soooo frickin cute!!!

Ok so Dominique put her hair up in pigtails and than I tried and holy crap its hard!! I messed it up so bad and they were all crooked that I ended up having to give her 3, heheh but it makes for a cute picture huh!!! all I have to say is Mzzz Dominique you have some mad crazy skills girl!!!!
I accidentally gave her a "Something about Mary" hairdo

We had a huge amount of snow this year, its been crazy!! here are some pix from my front yard and than we put Bella in it!!!!

our front yard
almost covering my tree in the corner of the yard
u can barely see Frosty and Santa in the front yard it is soooo deep!!!
we got over 72 inches so far this year ....HOLYCRAP


really cool picture if it would of been more light and blue sky

Another FIRST....aaaah Vince's first time wearing the moby wrap!!! hahah how cute, i should of posted more pix of this one.....ok ill catch them in round 2!! Vince toted her around one morning while making breakfast!!!!

This months biggest change was me going back to work =( sooo sad!!! The day before I went back , Dominique and I took the kids to the mall to see Santa, (sorry I forgot to scan in the picutre of her and santa, will have to post it later =) Here are a couple that I took though and arn't her girls soooo damn cute!! She always has them matching!!! I have no idea how she does this with 4 kids and now she is watching Bella so now she has 5, she is AMAZING!!! Chloe and Emma
Chloe and Emma with Bell

Bell grabbed my water bottle here, such a big girl..

she's getting good at pulling it and making it play music...

She looks soo tall here

She has really discovered her feet and luvs to play with them, shove them in her mouth , lol u know whatever works!!!

crazy hair....

PEEK A BOO!!! Tummy time with a mirror!!!

More Exersaucer fun!!!!


la maestra said...

Totally cute...all of it! She just gets cuter and cuter every day.

The Nagles said...

What a great blog! Little Bella is adorable! Her hair is hilarious too. I love reading about all these fun babies! They are going to be BFF's - if nothing else because their mama's make them!